solar térmica

More than 2 million square meters installed in Europe in 2005

After a 22.8 % the EU's solar thermal market has reached the 2 million square meters per year for the first time. The capacity installed during 2005 was 2,073,391 m2, which corresponds to a power of 1,450 MWt. The latest figures released by EurObserv’ER show the great growth of this technology in Europe. The trend is explained by the growth in the three main markets of the area, namely Germany, Austria and Greece, and the fast development of the French and Spanish markets.

The industry conditions are changing fast. The continuous increase in energy prices and the support schemes implemented by many governments allow the growth. Flat glass collectors represent 89.4% of the volumes, with vacuum collectors (6.4%) and uncovered colectors (4.2%) as second and third in the market race.

In general, vacuum collectors are more expensive, however they allow higher temperatures. This technology is equally valid for cold areas –where they warm water for heating– and hot areas -for cooling systems-. And uncovered collectors are very effective for warming swimming pools.

Almost half of the 2 million square meters were installed in Germany (980,000 m2), followed by Austria (239,540 m2), Greece (220,500 m2), France (164,389 m2) and Spain (106,885 m2).

17.3 million in total
With a total area of 17.3 million m2, the total capacity of the European solar facilities amounts to an estimated 12,087.3 MWt. The country ranking is as follows: Germany is first (7,109,000 m2), Greece second (3,047,200 m2 and 2 133 MWt) and Austria third (2,598,785 m2 and 1 819,1 MWt). Thanks to a great growth in the last years, France is now fourth (913,868 m2 and 639,7 MWt).

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