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Taiwan has always been a major place for thin-film technology and the semiconductor industry. Big players in the Taiwanese industry are now using this experience to explore and start new thin-film s...
Ms Maria van der Hoeven, Dutch Minister of Economy, has announced the introduction of a government subsidy for solar PV electricity. A similar system existed in the system some years ago but it was p...

Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Unknown column 'comentarios.comentarios.desactivado' in 'where clause' in /home/energias/public_html/general/ezSQL/mysqli/ez_sql_mysqli.php:228 Stack trace: #0 /home/energias/public_html/general/ezSQL/mysqli/ez_sql_mysqli.php(228): mysqli->query('SELECT comentar...') #1 /home/energias/public_html/general/ezSQL/shared/ez_sql_core.php(215): ezSQL_mysqli->query('SELECT comentar...') #2 /home/energias/public_html/modulos/modulosgenerales/perfil/es.php(75): ezSQLcore->get_results('SELECT comentar...') #3 /home/energias/public_html/index.php(155): include('/home/energias/...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/energias/public_html/general/ezSQL/mysqli/ez_sql_mysqli.php on line 228