
UK greentech adoption driven by high energy bill costs, not environmental concerns

The Eco Experts’ 2024 National Home Energy Survey has revealed that saving money on energy bills is the most popular reason for adopting low carbon technology in the UK.
UK greentech adoption driven by high energy bill costs, not environmental concerns
Courtesy of Defend Solar Alliance.

Adoption of low carbon tech in the UK is rising, according to a survey by Eco Experts of 2,184 UK adults, with the UK population increasing their greentech purchases, solar panel purchases in particular having risen by 13 percentage points year-on-year, while heat pump purchases have risen by 5 percentage points.

The survey found that the top three reasons for adopting low carbon tech were as follows:

Saving on energy bills (51 percent)

Government incentives (18 percent)

Environmental concerns (15 percent)

This clearly indicates that, for most people, financial worries outweigh environmental concerns.

“In a world that is becoming increasingly more unstable, it is more important than ever to become as energy independent as possible” said Eco Experts’ Energy Expert, Christopher McFadden. “You should think of it like investing. If it saves you money now and in the future, stops you from worrying about rising energy costs, and adds value to your home, that can’t be a bad thing, can it?”

For those who are concerned about the environment, renewable energy systems, including more up-and-coming technologies such as micro-CHP, are a great way to cut reliance on fossil fuels.

“It’s incredibly heartening to see that the vast majority of those who invest in low-carbon technologies are extremely satisfied with their choice” added Managing Director of Project Solar UK, Tom Armstrong. “Over the last 13 years, we’ve consistently received the same positive feedback from our customers, who report significant savings on energy costs and a notable boost in efficiency thanks to their solar panels.”

The National Home Energy Survey 2024 was conducted in association with Project Solar UK in June 2024, with a sample size of UK adults aged 21 to 85.

For additional information:

Eco Experts’ 2024 National Home Energy Survey

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