
Shell Energy and Inspire Enter Strategic Relationship to Promote Adoption of Clean Energy

Inspire, with headquarters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has entered into a multi-year strategic relationship with Shell Energy North America. Under the arrangement, Shell will provide Inspire with a broad range of services to support the company's expansion plans over the next several years, including a credit line for trading and a revolving credit facility.
Shell Energy and Inspire Enter Strategic Relationship to Promote Adoption of Clean Energy
Courtesy of Inspire

Shell's support is designed to facilitate Inspire's purchase of clean energy products and accelerate membership growth, with capacity for over one million members. The new arrangement comes on the heels of Shell's recent commitment to increase its development of new energies, spending up to $2 billion a year until 2020.

"Our core mission is to build the world's most consumer-focused clean power platform," said Patrick Maloney, founder and CEO of Inspire. "We have rapidly grown with this mission in mind, with the goal of inspiring as many people as we can to power their homes with clean energy."

According to a blog on Inspire’s website, their motto is “The cleanest energy is the energy that we don’t use.”  The company claims the point of the motto is that it takes energy to produce energy, and costs nothing to use zero.

“If we can get people to use less energy, we’re that much closer to our mission of reducing their carbon footprint for a brighter energy future,” the company said.

Inspire's flagship product is a personalized, monthly subscription that includes an integrated smart home experience, energy management services, and 100% clean energy, with no upfront costs. The company’s Rewards Program is designed to unlock rewards within their app and pay members when they use less.

"We are excited to be working with Inspire to help achieve our common goal of creating a more sustainable energy future," commented Glenn Wright, President of Shell Energy North America.

Tags: Carbón
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