

Renewable Energy Vietnam 2018 returns to Ho Chi Minh City

Vietnam's International Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Exhibition (RE & EE Vietnam) will return to the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Centre in Ho Chi Minh City from 12th to 14th September 2018.
Renewable Energy Vietnam 2018 returns to Ho Chi Minh City
Courtesy of RE & EE Vietnam

Vietnam is among the emerging renewable energy markets in South East Asia, offering many opportunities for investment in clean energy, in particular, wind and solar. The country has a population of 92 million and its energy demand is forecasted to grow by 13 percent annually over the next four years with an energy policy that includes renewables in the mix. According to the country’s revised Power Development Master Plan VII, Vietnam needs investment in the power sector amounting to $150 billion for the period up to 2030 in order to keep up with the nation’s annual growth of 10-12 percent. The renewable energy sector is considered a priority for investment with contributions set at 7 percent by 2020 and 10 percent by 2030.

RE & EE Vietnam has been positioned as a technology and business market place to facilitate the development of the energy industry and commerce, focusing on the renewable energy sector. This year, the event will be co-located with Electric and Power Vietnam (EPV), covering a total of 7,500 square metres of space and is expected to welcome a combined total of 7000 trade exhibitors showcasing cutting-edge technologies, innovations and solutions in the energy industry. 63 percent of the total booth space has already been booked, with exhibitors so far including HT Solar, Vsun, Xiamen Mibet New Energy, Fuji CAC, Rittal, Otowa, AKSA, East Sea Energy Environment and OBO Betterman.

Image: Courtesy of RE & EE Vietnam

For additional information:

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Exhibition (RE & EE Vietnam)

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