
New York's Governor Announces Clean Energy Jobs and Climate Agenda

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo has unveiled the 20th proposal of the 2018 State of the State: a comprehensive agenda to combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and growing the clean energy economy. 
New York

Commitments announced by Governor Cuomo to advance clean energy technologies, including offshore wind, solar, energy storage and energy efficiency, are designed to spur market development and create jobs across the state.

Governor Cuomo, said,"With this proposal, New York is taking bold action to fight climate change and protect our environment, while supporting and growing 21st century jobs in these cutting-edge renewable industries."

The  2018 Clean Energy Jobs and Climate Agenda includes the following:

  • Expand Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and Reduce Emissions Equitably from the Highest-Polluting, High Demand "Peaker" Power Plants
  • Solicit Proposals for Offshore Wind Power
  • Increase Transmission of Clean and Renewable Energy By Investing $200 Million to Meet Unprecedented Energy Storage Target of 1,500 Megawatts by 2025
  • Invest $200 Million from NY Green Bank to Support Energy Storage
  • Create the Zero Cost Solar for All Program for 10,000 Low-Income New Yorkers
  • Reconvene Scientific Advisory Committee on Climate Change
  • Establish New Energy Efficiency Target by Earth Day

Governor Cuomo launched the $5 billion Clean Energy Fund in 2016 to support investment in energy efficient technologies. This initiative is already demonstrating progress across New York State, from Upstate farms and greenhouses to commercial buildings in Manhattan. These activities are anticipated to save New Yorkers $39 billion in energy costs over the next 10 years while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

However, much work remains to realize the full potential of energy efficiency for New Yorkers, according to the governor. Creating a more energy efficient New York will require effort across the board to attract greater investment and innovation in energy efficiency.

To address this, Governor Cuomo is directing the New York Department of Public Service and NYSERDA to:

  • Engage stakeholders in the public and private sectors, and propose a comprehensive and far-reaching energy efficiency initiative by Earth Day, April 22, 2018;
  • Propose a new 2025 energy efficiency target achieved through cost effective implementation strategies and innovative approaches from both utilities and the Clean Energy Fund, which will accelerate progress towards the state's ambitious climate and clean energy goals; and
  • Identify opportunities by which state facilities can lead by example. 

In addition, NYSERDA will propose the establishment of appliance efficiency standards, with support for implementation from the Clean Energy Fund. This strategy is proven to achieve significant energy savings and is a function recently abdicated by the federal government. As co-chair of the U.S. Climate Alliance, New York State will work with its partners in other states to help scale state-level appliance efficiency. Working through the U.S. Climate Alliance and with other partners, New York State will help provide certainty to manufacturers that appliance efficiency standards must be met across the United States. 

For Information Governor Andrew Cuomo

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