

New Global Energy Monitor solar and wind trackers show China leads on utility-scale wind

Newly released solar and wind power trackers launched by Global Energy Monitor has revealed that China has more operating utility-scale wind than the US, Germany, Spain, India, and the UK combined.
New Global Energy Monitor solar and wind trackers show China leads on utility-scale wind
Courtesy of NREL.

Global Energy Monitor has released two new tools for tracking the global transition to renewable energy: a wind power tracker covering wind farm phases of 10 megawatts (MW) or more, and a solar power tracker covering utility-scale solar PV farm phases of 20 MW or more (10 MW or more in Arabic-speaking countries).

Combining government, corporate, and other public data, the two trackers provide project-level data to show the speed and extent to which countries are building out wind and solar power.

The Global Wind Power Tracker (GWPT) catalogues 13,263 operating utility-scale wind farm phases generating 681.4 GW in 144 countries, and an additional 5,235 prospective projects  that would generate 882.0 GW. Countries with the most operating utility-scale wind project capacity are:

China (261.2 GW)

United States (127.3 GW)

Germany (39.6 GW)

Spain (26.8 GW)

India (23.7 GW)

The Global Solar Power Tracker (GSPT) catalogs 5,190 operating utility-scale solar farm phases generating 289.7 gigawatts (GW) in 148 countries, and an additional 3,551 prospective projects that would generate 651.6 GW.

Utility-scale solar accounts for roughly 65 percent of total global solar capacity with the remaining 35 percent being residential and commercial installations. Countries with the most operating utility-scale solar project capacity are:

China (130.3 GW)

United States (43.4 GW)

India (29.0 GW)

Vietnam (11.3 GW)

Mexico (10.5 GW)

“Capturing the full extent of utility solar and wind built-out around the world is critical for measuring progress towards the energy transition” said Ingrid Behrsin, Project Manager for GEM’s Global Wind Power Tracker. “With open-access project-level data like these, we are now in a much stronger position to track how countries are stacking up against their own stated renewables goals.”

For additional information:

Global Energy Monitor

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