
Czech Republic

Modern Energy Union Established in Czech Republic

The newly founded Modern Energy Union brings together all the elements of modern energy––renewables, energy storage, combined heat and power, electromobility, and up-and-coming digital solutions–– to support the development of new technologies in the Czech Republic.
Modern Energy Union Established in Czech Republic

According to its website, the group “wants to bring European impetus into the Czech debate, leading to a leading position in the field of development and production of progressive technologies. Our goal is to provide the Czech energy industry and development centers with conditions that will make us a tiger in the field of innovative solutions for the 21st century.”

Program director Martin Sedlák stated the basic goal of the organization is to ensure “good conditions for technological growth that will boost the Czech economy.”

The founding members of the Union are the Alliance for Energy Self-Sufficiency, the Association for Energy Storage and Batteries, COGEN Czech, the Czech Smart Grid Technological Platform, and the Solar Association, the largest Czech association ofphotovoltaic businesses.

The Union has two university-based research facilities as members: the University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings of the Czech Technical University in Prague and the ENET Centre of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava.The Union will also collaborate with experts from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Brno University of Technology.

The Modern Energy Union in the Czech Republic is headed by Martin Sedlák (program director) and Tomáš Buzrla (executive director).The board of directors comprises three members: Marek Lang (Alliance for Energy Self-Sufficiency), Josef Jeleček (COGEN Czech), and Jan Fousek (Association for Energy Storage and Batteries).

The Union expects to play a proactive role in finalizing the proposals of the EU Winter Energy Package and its objectives for the coming decades. It will also actively contribute to the national debate about implementing key aspects of this package in the Czech Republic. In collaboration with innovative Czech companies, the Union aims to support consumer-produced electricity as well as to develop energy storage capabilities, electromobility, and the application of new digital energy technologies.

“We believe that Czech inventors, developers, and entrepreneurs have the right skills.To best take advantage of emerging opportunities, however, we need to coordinate efforts in utilizing each emerging source of energy, energy services, and digital solutions.This is the basic stimulus that sparked the idea of founding the Modern Energy Union, which strives to guide the way in helping move modern Czech energy forward to become a European and global leader,” said Jan Fousek, member of the Modern Energy Union’s board of directors and executive director of the Association for Energy Storage and Batteries.

For Information Modern Energy

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