
Mobile World Capital Barcelona Launches The MWCapital Awards

As global attention increasingly shifts toward the intersection of technology and sustainability, Mobile World Capital Barcelona with the support of GSMA Foundry and B Lab Spain, has launched the MWCapital Awards: Technologies for a Sustainable Future.
Mobile World Capital Barcelona Launches The MWCapital Awards

This international initiative seeks to honor groundbreaking projects that use digital transformation to drive meaningful progress towards the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals focusing on creating a triple impact: economic, social, and environmental.

The awards reflect MWCapital's vision of a responsible, forward-thinking digital transition, where technology acts as a catalyst for solving urgent global issues like inequality, climate change, and digital inclusion.

"We believe in a future where digital innovation and sustainability are intrinsically linked," says Francesc Fajula, CEO of Mobile World Capital Barcelona. "Through these awards, we want to recognize pioneering technological projects that are actively contributing to a more equitable and sustainable world."

The initiative is backed by strategic partners B Lab Spain and GSMA Foundry. In addition to serving as advisor and jury member, B Lab will offer sustainability impact workshops along with personalized action plans for the 15 finalists, while GSMA Foundry, the GSMA's innovation hub, will leverage its global platforms to boost the visibility of winning projects.

Richard Cockle, Head of GSMA Foundry and Connected Industries at GSMA, states that, "Sustainability and working towards the SDGs is absolutely critical to the GSMA and its members. The mobile industry has already made great strides on the 17 goals but there is much work to do ahead of the 2030 deadline. We believe fostering innovation projects, and initiatives such as the MWCapital Awards, will play a critical role in the industry's efforts to make yet more positive contributions."

For her part, Belén Viloria, Executive Director of B Lab Spain, affirms that, "In today's world, it is essential that companies not only innovate but also integrate sustainability into their core business strategies."

The MWCapital Awards celebrate innovation across various sectors, recognizing contributions in five categories: Companies, Small Businesses and Startups, Non-profit or Common Interest Companies (SBIC), Academia and Research Centers, and Public Institutions. A special distinction, the Barcelona Horizon Award, will be presented to the project with the greatest potential to drive sustainability within Barcelona's digital ecosystem. The selected project will receive support to scale, ensuring its development and broader impact within the city.

The awards will culminate in June 2025 with a ceremony in Barcelona. Winners will gain international exposure, with the opportunity to showcase their work at MWC Barcelona 2026 and participate in discussions shaping the future of digital sustainability. Also, the Barcelona Horizon Award will include a €50,000 grant to help bring the winning project's vision to life and foster positive change in the city.

Evaluation Process and Global Call for Submissions

The road to the final stage is rigorous. Projects will undergo a two-phase evaluation process by an external international jury formed by leading figures in sustainability and innovation. Fifteen finalists will be selected and will benefit from tailored workshops designed to measure and enhance their impact before the winners of each category are chosen.

The call for submissions is now open to projects globally, with applications accepted until March 18, 2025. Eligible projects must align with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles, have been operational for at least 12 months, and show measurable results in advancing sustainability through technology.

With the Mobile World Capital Awards, Barcelona further cements its position as a global hub in both digital innovation and sustainable development. As MWCapital continues its mission to lead a responsible digital transition, these awards are set to inspire projects that will not only transform industries but also contribute to a more inclusive and resilient future for all.

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