

Isotrol surpasses 100 GW milestone

Technology solutions company Isotrol has succeeded in ensuring that its systems manage more than 100 GW of installed power, including optimisation of participation in energy markets and efficient management of renewable generation assets.
Isotrol surpasses 100 GW milestone
Courtesy of NREL.

The company has broken this record after implementing its technology in more than 450 generation plants this year, after consolidating its position in Europe, the United States and Latin America, and after entering in new markets in which it had not taken part before, such as Australia or Colombia.

“We are growing together with renewables and at the same time the energy transition is taking place”, said Isotrol’s CEO, Beltrán Calvo. “Digitalisation, by means of developments like ours, is crucial to achieve this change of model.”

Manuel Losada, COO, added that the company’s technology is present from the generation stage to the energy commercialisation stage, including its network integration and that this knowledge about the needs of the energy system is a key feature that makes Isotrol stand out and allows the company to be a long-standing technology partner.

Isotrol doesn’t only work with electrical companies, with which the company has been associated for almost 40 years, but also with oil and gas companies and yield companies (YieldCos) that have a strong association with renewable energy.

Isotrol develops technology solutions for the energy sector. It specialises in improving the efficiency and profitability of renewable energy plants and optimising their participation in wholesale energy markets. The company became a pioneer in monitoring and system control in 1984 and its systems now work with more than 100 GW of installed power in 45 countries around the world.

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