

Ingeteam strengthens its international expansion with the opening of a subsidiary in Vietnam

Ingeteam is consolidating its internationalisation plan with the opening of a new subsidiary in Vietnam, a fast-growing market that also provides access to neighbouring countries, thereby strengthening its global positioning with a presence in 24 countries.
Ingeteam strengthens its international expansion with the opening of a subsidiary in Vietnam
Courtesy of Ingeteam

Located in the city of Hanoi, the subsidiary is dedicated to hydropower, off-grid and generation plants, from where Ingeteam will also serve markets such as Laos and Cambodia.

Ingeteam currently has four orders on its books, three in Vietnam and one in Laos. These are orders for hydroelectric power plants, including their entire electrical and control systems. One of the power plants in Vietnam includes the plant's 115 kV substation as well as a bay at an existing substation. The Laos plant also includes a 220 kV substation.

Indar, Ingeteam Group also has important references in the country’s hydroelectric sector, which it has supplied for several projects with over 20 generators totalling an installed capacity of 275 MVA in Vietnam and Laos.

It is also worth noting that last year Ingeteam completed and delivered its first order for the solar sector in Vietnam, which consisted of the supply of 126 solar inverters in 42 power stations of 5 MW each, as well as the engineering and supply of a 220 kV substation, PPC power plant control system and SCADA monitoring system for a 240 MW photovoltaic plant.

Furthermore, this country also has 9 high voltage electrical substations operating with Ingeteam's protection, control and automation system, with more than 300 Smart Electronic Devices supplied since 2013.

The Asian market is also strategic for Indar's submersible pump and motor products, where significant growth is expected in the sector.

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