
How Eco-Costly is Your Country? New Report Examines the Question

In recent years, EU countries have given increasing importance to setting up and maintaining renewable energy targets. This has definitely marked a step in the right direction towards the achievement of a greener future. However, some countries are not meeting the eco-friendly expectations and are lagging behind their competitors.
How Eco-Costly is Your Country? New Report Examines the Question
Photo Courtesy of Florida Power & Light (USA)

GreenMatch has carried out an in-depth investigation to find out which of the 28 EU countries are the most eco-costly to the environment. This has been done by taking six different metrics relating to eco-friendliness into consideration, and it delivered surprising results.

For instance, Mediterranean paradises such as Cyprus and Maltaranked in the top 3 eco-costly EU countries with low average scores, together with Ireland. In the map below you can inspect the detailed metrics that have been used for the analysis country by country to see how your nation is performing.

Created by GreenMatch

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