
European Solar Prize 2018 is Open for Entries

Applications and proposals for the European Solar Prize in the field of renewable energy are now being accepted. The entries may be submitted in ten different categories. The call for entries is addressed to local actors of the energy transition, who point the way in the right direction by means of innovation and commitment. Cities/communities, architects, municipal and private companies, associations, organizations and cooperatives, journalists and of course citizens, who actively support the transition to renewables, are eligible.
European Solar Prize 2018 is Open for Entries
European Solar Prize

The Solar Prize is awarded in the following categories:

* Towns/municipalities, council districts, public utilities
* Solar architecture and urban planning
* Industrial and commercial companies or farmers 
* Local or regional associations/organizations
* Owners or operators of renewable energy installations 
* Transport and mobility 
* Media 
* Education and vocational training 
* One world cooperation 
* Special achievement prize for individual commitment 

The application period runs until 31 May 31, 2018. All entries will be submitted to a qualified jury. Participation is free of charge. Applications can be submitted quickly and easily online.

To submit

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Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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