
EU launches Clean Energy Industrial Forum to support renewables

The European Union (EU) has created a Clean Energy Industrial Forum to help industry take advantage of the growth opportunities arising as part of the clean energy transition. 
EU launches Clean Energy Industrial Forum to support renewables

The intention to create a Clean Energy Industrial Forum was announced in the 'Clean Energy for All Europeans' in 2016. It consists of three separate sections, dedicated to renewables, batteries and construction and will focus on how to reinforce the competitiveness of the EU renewable energy industry's value chain. More detailed discussions will concentrate on the role of research and innovation and trade policies to improve industry competitiveness.

The initial meeting of the renewables section of the forum has already taken place, on 9th January at the Berlaymont building, opened by Miguel Arias Cañete, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy. It was attended by more than 20 CEOs and industry leaders, including Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and representatives from international organisations.

A public event with all three sections of the Forum will be organised during the EU Industry Days on 22-23 February 2018. This will serve as a spring board to assert EU industrial leadership in low carbon energy technologies showcased in the 9th Clean Energy Ministerial and the 3rd Mission Innovation meetings in Malmö and Copenhagen in the week of 22-25 May 2018. 

For additional information:

European Commission (EC)

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