
Energías Renovables website reaches 44,000 unique visitors

Last March we saw a new record in the visits to our website, which is tracked by OJD Interactiva since the end of 2005, with free access figures. Last month we had 44,072 unique visitors, in an upward trend that we have been observing since Energías Renovables was born in 2000. 44,072 unique visitors, 88,800 visits and 415,333 viewed pages in March. A record that surely will be broken soon, considering the growing number of subscribers to the three free online newsletters that we offer: wind, solar and general renewables.

The unique visitors, the value that is most relevant for internet audience measurements, are the number of people logged on to a website. More precisely, it is the number of different computers from which somebody logs on to a particular website. For this reason, this measurement is identified as the number of visitors. Therefore, our website has 44,000 different readers. Thank you all for your support!.

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Tags: Renovables , Solar , Wind
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Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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