

City of Toronto to develop low-carbon thermal energy networks with renewables

The City of Toronto and private energy provider Enwave Energy Corporation (Enwave) have established a partnership to co-develop low-carbon thermal energy networks in Toronto using energy from renewable sources such as heat recovery, geo-exchange and solar thermal.
City of Toronto to develop low-carbon thermal energy networks with renewables

The projects will advance the objectives of the City's TransformTO Climate Action Strategy and will use renewable energy resources to heat and cool multiple buildings in an area.

“This public-private partnership is an innovative approach to achieving scale and momentum” said Toronto City Mayor John Tory. “Along with delivering cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions, the projects will generate investments in our economy, provide employment and improve our resilience.”

Carlyle Coutinho, President and Chief Operating Officer, Enwave Canada, added that Enwave’s customers, the City and Torontonians will all benefit from a continued reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

The City's TransformTO Climate Action Strategy identifies low-carbon thermal energy networks as a key way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings. The strategy targets an 80 per cent reduction in local greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, based on 1990 levels. Homes and buildings generate about half of the greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto today.

For additional information:

City of Toronto


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