

BayWa r.e. starts construction of 188 MW wind and solar flagship project

BayWa r.e. is developing its first combined dual-technology project in Spain, consisting of three wind farms with a capacity of 135 MW, representing the largest onshore wind installation for the company in Europe to date, and two solar farms with a total capacity of 53 MW. BayWa r.e. has developed the project in cooperation with its local partner CEAR, who will continue to support the development of the cluster. 
BayWa r.e. starts construction of 188 MW wind and solar flagship project
Courtesy of Bayware r.e.

The installations will be located in the municipalities of Épila, Lumpiaque and Rueda de Jalón, next to Zaragoza, in northern Spain and represents a trailblazing and innovative model for future renewable ventures.

Each of the three wind farms will consist of eight Nordex wind turbines and will have a capacity of 45 MW, totalling 135 MW of wind power generation. The two photovoltaic plants will have a capacity of 30 MW and 23 MW respectively, totalling 53 MW of solar generation. Together, the wind and solar farms will generate around 475 GWh of green electricity each year, which is equivalent to the annual consumption of more than 121,000 households in Spain. The five plants will require an investment of more than 280 million euros, with the renewable electricity sold through a power purchase agreement (PPA).

BayWa r.e. will build these projects on the same area, starting the construction works with the wind farm cluster. The installations will use less space for maximised land use, which will optimise project development and execution expenses, as well as ensure improved financing conditions. The wind and solar farms will share the same grid infrastructure, thus considerably reducing grid infrastructure costs. All five plants are scheduled to be operational and connected by end of 2025.

This combined construction represents an important milestone for BayWa r.e., as it is one of the first of its kind to be developed in Spain, while also being a complex endeavour in terms of project planning and execution.

“We are very excited to develop this project” said Daniel Gäfke, Global Director of Projects and Executive Board Member at BayWa r.e., “It sets a precedent for us in Spain, as it is unique in terms of project size and the innovative structure of combined wind and solar energy generation. We will closely collaborate with the local community so that people and the environment can benefit as much as possible from Rueda Sur’s positive impact: promoting biodiversity, improving sustainability, and creating jobs.”

The environmental permit has already been granted, confirming that the project is compatible with the environmental specificities on site. Various environmental measures will be taken to enhance the landscape and improve biodiversity. For example, the innovative IdentiFlight bird detection system, which incorporates artificial intelligence to detect protected avian species, will be implemented. Future initiatives in terms of community engagement and biodiversity will also be discussed as the development activities evolve and the discussions with the local stakeholders continue.

“We are excited to further expand our IPP business with Rueda Sur, making good progress towards achieving around 2 GW in 2024 – and even more in the future” added Alexander Rothenanger, Global Director of IPP at BayWa r.e. “Combining different technologies and energy sources for projects such as this one is always a complex but important challenge, while also providing true added value for our diverse portfolio.”

For additional information:

BayWa r.e.

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