El Partido Popular (que acaba de aprobar en Galicia una norma por la que los parques eólicos con más de 25 años tendrán que ser obligatoriamente desmantelados, para su repotenciación) ha recogido...
A new Vauxhall Electric Van Adoption Report has highlighted the growing need to improve UK public charging infrastructure to support businesses in their transition to electric vehicles.
The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB), Luminor Bank and NORD/LB have agreed to co-finance a 148M MWp solar farm in the Ventspils municipality of Latvia, developed by Stelo Orienta SIA, a subsidiary of Dani...
La energética granadina Cuerva va a encargarse en los próximos tres años de la gestión integral de la central hidroeléctrica del Salto del Olvido, de 1,2 MW de potencia y ubicada en El Real Siti...
Ventus Energy, a leading provider of high-voltage (HV) services, has secured two significant contracts with Ocean Winds to support its Scotland-based wind farms, Moray West and Moray East.
Es una de las conclusiones a las que ha llegado un equipo de investigadores del Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de Bath (Reino Unido), que acaba de publicar un artículo titulado "C...
Global independent service provider for renewable energy assets Deutsche Windtechnik (DWT) has announced it has been awarded the repowering and post-repower operation & maintenance (O&M) contr...
Independent energy expert and assurance provider DNV has launched the H2MET Joint Industry Project (JIP) to advance metrology for 100 percent hydrogen flow applications, building on previous work and ...
With its upcoming second and final pilot demonstration on March 28, 2025, the RESPONDENT project will have reached a major milestone and the opportunity to showcase its advanced power generation, dema...
La vicepresidenta tercera del Gobierno y ministra para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, Sara Aagesen, ha defendido este martes que hay que tener en cuenta el conjunto de actividades e...
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Unknown column 'comentarios.comentarios.desactivado' in 'where clause' in /home/energias/public_html/general/ezSQL/mysqli/ez_sql_mysqli.php:221
Stack trace:
#0 /home/energias/public_html/general/ezSQL/mysqli/ez_sql_mysqli.php(221): mysqli->query('SELECT comentar...')
#1 /home/energias/public_html/general/ezSQL/shared/ez_sql_core.php(215): ezSQL_mysqli->query('SELECT comentar...')
#2 /home/energias/public_html/modulos/modulosgenerales/perfil/es.php(87): ezSQLcore->get_results('SELECT comentar...')
#3 /home/energias/public_html/index.php(155): include('/home/energias/...')
#4 {main}
thrown in /home/energias/public_html/general/ezSQL/mysqli/ez_sql_mysqli.php on line 221