
The new RCD Espanyol football stadium will feature a 660 kW PV cover

Endesa Ingeniería will build a 660 kW PV plant on the RCD Espanyol new stadium's cover, which is being built in Cornellá (Barcelona). RCD Espanyol and Endesa have signed an agreement to jointly promote a PV facility of 660 kW, integrated on the new stadium's cover. It is already being built in Cornellá (Barcelona).

The initiative, the first of its kind in Spain, “shows the environmental sensitivity with which the Llobregat sports and business park, which will have the stadium as a symbol, has been designed", states Endesa in a press release.

The facility has been designed and will be executed under a turnkey mode by Endesa Ingeniería, a company which belongs to Grupo Endesa that develops solar PV and thermal projects for private and public customers, with an installed capacity in its 2006/07 portfolio greater than 24 MW.

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Tags: PV , Solar , Spain
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