
Soltec, just about to start the construction of 4 MW of solar PV

Soltec Energías Renovables, a Murcia-based developer of solar PV facilities, has announced plans to build three plants totalling 4 MW of capacity. The three facilities, one to be located in Murcia and two to be located in Córdoba, will be developed as solar plantations, grouping the panels of hundreds of different investors. In this way, the sun trackers and other infrastructures' costs can be shared.

Soltec's 4 MW need some 400 trackers which need 10 kW each. “This technology will guarantee an annual production above 2,000kWh per peak kW installed”, said the firm in a press release.

The Murcia project, located in Caravaca and amounting to 1 MW, represents the first phase of a 5 MW project. Soltec has opened the application phase for investors in this first phase. The company plans to complete the 5 MW by 2008. Meanwhile, the remaining 3 MW will be located in Córdoba, split in two facilities (1 MW and 2 MW).

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Tags: Renovables , Solar , PV
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