
Google to use solar power in its Silicon Valley Headquarters

The popular search engine has informed that they are planning to build a 1.6 MW solar PV system, "the biggest one that a corporation site has ever seen", able to cover one third of the energy needs of its Silicon Valley headquarters. "The facility will be able to produce 1.6 MW of energy", explained Ms Noah Kaye, Public Relations Director in Washington's Solar Industry Association, which will turn the facility into "the biggest alternative energy system ever seen on a corporation site", she added.

Those 1.6 MW, able to power some 1,000 Californian homes, will cover around one third of the offices of the firm.

“We will produce around 30% of the energy we use”, said Mr David Radcliffe, Real Estate VicePresident at Google, in an interview by Reuters. Mr Radcliffe, who did not reveal the project's cost, added that with this facility they had tried to show that being environmentally concerned while doing business is possible today.

Energy Innovations Inc., one of Idealabs subsidiaries, which has built 12 large solar projects in California, has been chosen by Google for the project realization.

Some months ago, Microsoft installed a 480 kW solar PV system in its Mountain View research center. This was the first last-scale use of solar energy of any Microsoft office worldwide.
Tags: Solar , PV
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