
Gamesa Solar

Gamesa Solar has order 11,000 PV modules from German company Aleo Solar, totalling 2 MW. The order will strenghen Aleo's position in the Spanish market. The firm currently builds a module manufacturing plant in Barcelona. The new facturay will have a production capacity of 10 MW per year. “Working with a firm recognized in the market will allow our brand to be recognized in Spain", said Mr Christopher Dunne, from Aleo, referring to the order from Gamesa.

Until the factory is built, Aleo will supply the modules from its production center in Prenzlau, Germany. The modules requested by Gamesa have a unitary power ranging from 160 to165 kW.

Gamesa Solar has informed of its intentions to establish a long-term relationship with Aleo. The Basque subsidiary already has its module production center in Aznalcóllar (Andalusia), however the factory has a limited capacity of 4 MW per year. As Gamesa Solar's main activity is the development and building of solar plantations for third parties, with a goal of 25 MW per year, the firm needs additional supplies.

For further information:
Tags: Gamesa , Solar , Germany , PV , Spain
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