
Gamesa signs a 50 MW contract and searches the leadership in the PV market

Gamesa Solar –a sister company of the wind giant dedicated to the manufacture and installation of solar systems- has inked a contract to supply 50 MW of solar PV modules to REC Scanmodule, a solar subsidiary of REC, a Scandinavian business conglomerate. The agreement, which will double all of Gamesa Solar's former orders, will last for 5 years When Gamesa identified the good prospects of the wind power industry years ago the company become one of the big players in the world market. The Basque company seems to be willing to follow a similar way with its solar division.

Gamesa Solar has set the short-term goal of leading the promotion and execution of solar stations in Spain. "This contract is an important step forward for achieving our business objectives" said Mr Guillermo Ulacia,Gamesa's CEO. “Gamesa, leader in the wind industry, now wants to transfer its technological knowledge from the wind industry to the solar industry and, according to REC, this enables the possibility of advancing towards the goal of becoming leaders in the solar industry”.

With this objective, Gamesa “has placed itself in different phases of the suppy chain”, states the firm. This chain includes the manufacture and supply of modules and systems, the turnkey development and post-sale service of facilities.

With 100 MW already in its portfolio, “these agreements allow Gamesa Solar to ensure the supply of cells and panels that will ease the development of its strategic plan”, adds the firm.

The other company involved, REC, is “one of the most important business group in the solar industry worldwide and it is the only one with presence along the supply chain (poly-silicon, ingots and wafers, cells and panels)”, according to Gamesa. “We are glad and proud for having achieved this contract with one of the world leaders in renewable energies. For us, it means a serious entry into the Spanish market”, said Mr Thor-Christian Tuv, Executive Vice-President of REC Solar.

REC Solar, a subsidiary of the REC Group, produces solar cells in Norway and solar modules in Sweden. The solar division also includes small facilities belonging to Solar Vision in South Africa. The REC Group is positioned in the industry as the only company with presence in all the supply chain. REC Silicon and REC Wafer are the biggest producers of silicon and solar wafers, respectively. REC Solar includes the activities of REC ScanCell and REC ScanModule.

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Tags: Solar , Gamesa , Wind , PV , Africa , Spain
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