
Atersa carries out a rural electrification project in Benin

Aplicaciones Técnicas de la Energía (Atersa) has been selected by Energía sin Fronteras, an ONG which collaborates with Benin's Mensajeros de la Paz, to carry out a rural electrification project through solar PV energy for the different buildings of a medical assistance center, so as street lighting in Fô-Bouré, a village in the Sinendé county, in Benin's Borgou region. The project includes the supply, installation and maintenance of the Fô-Bouré Medical Center, taken care of by nuns from the Oblatas Catequistas Pequeñas Servidoras de los Pobres and doctors from Proyecto Humanitario.

Atersa will supply 150 Wp modules, inverters and a regulator, among other things. Also, Atersa will start the operation of a PV system connected to an electrical generator aimed to service the different buildings of the center, so as the installation of 24 public lighting points through autonomous PV street lights. The agreement also includes Atersa's training of the staff, besides of the preventive and corrective maintenance, with a 3-year claim assistance.

According to Atersa's Director, Mr. Jan van den Bergh, “this project means a step further in the collaboration between Atersa and Energía sin Fronteras, which we hope will be lasting for many years”.

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Tags: PV , Solar
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