
Acciona connects Spain

Acciona Energía, through Acciona Solar, a subsidiary, has put into operation the biggest photovoltaic facility opened in Spain to date. The PV central, located in Castejón (Navarre) has a total capacity of 2.44 MW The facility, with an investment of 19 million euros, belongs to 279 owners. Totalling 14,400 PV panels over 400 36-module trackers, the facility occupies some 110,000 sq metres.

The trackers follow the sun automatically, thus optimizing the incidence of the sun rays on the PV equipment.In the Castejón central, these trackers have been developed by Acciona Solar using Buskil technology. According to the company, these trackers increase PV production by 35% compared to its fixed counterparts.

Projects as this one, in which numerous PV modules are grouped under the management of one single promoter, are becoming more popular in Spain. The idea is called huerto solar (solar orchad) and Acciona, which is the company that first launched the concept, has recently released a letter claiming its exclusive rights over this name.

Through the grouping, the owners share the costs of the shared equipment (such as the trackers), infrastructures, safety and management, besides of benefitting from lower prices derived from scale economies when purchasing the equipment. In the case of Acciona's huertas solares, the company offers "integrated management" which includes, among others, "the invoicing, administrative tasks and production control for each owner, all done from the company's headquarters"

Acciona has, including the last one in Castejón, six huertas solares in operation, totalling 1,673 trackers and 10.2 MW. More than a thousand people own the facilities. Besides, Acciona states that currently it has "facilities in execution and project phases that amount to more than 30 MW of capacity, which are located in regions such as Navarre, Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha and the Canary Islands".

For further information:

Tags: Solar , PV , Spain , Photovoltaic , SAF
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