
A new 6-megawatt solar plantation to be installed in Crevillent (Alicante)

Enercoop, an industrial conglomerate from Cooperativa Eléctrica San Francisco de Asís, will invest more than 33 million euros in a 6 MW solar plantation (huerta solar, as popularly called in Spain) in Crevillent (Alicante). The facility will become one of the biggest of its type built in Europe to date. Mr. Ildefonso Serrano, the firm's Director, has announed that the plantation will be operating by the end of 2007. It will be sitting on an area of 113,000 square feet administered by the Crevillent City Council in the El Realengo batch.

Mr. Serrano said that around 2300 solar modules were introduced in Crevillent in 2005. “The action plan includes to add some 28,000 additional modules during this year, a goal which will allow that 30% of Crevillent's 28,000 inhabitants can enjoy really clean energy”.

The facility will be made up of 50 different systems, each of which will have 560 solar modules, and will generate around 8 million kWh, according to the figures provided by Enercoop.

For additional information:
Intermundo Comunicación
Telephone: +34 965 20 30 92
Tags: Solar , Europe , Spain
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