
The wind power industry calls for a transparent and competitive electricity market

Spain's Wind Power Industry Association (Asociación Empresarial Eólica - AEE) is talking to the Energy National Commission (CNE) to call for measures increasing market contracting and a more transparent and competitive behaviour, so that prices reflect real costs in the market. Price volatility in the last days can mean a reduction in the revenues that AEE estimates in 13 million euros per week, compared with the prices set by the Royal Decree 3/2006, which today indicates the prices for the transactions completed by the main industry players.

AEE “wishes to consolidate to presence of the wind energy in the electricity markets, which is considered very positive for its seamless function". In this sense, the Association's President, Mr Fernando Ferrando, recently pointed out that “during the last year it has been clear that the presence of wind power in the market, which reached up to 93% during 2005, and is today at 94%, has been mutually positive”.

According to the results seen in the AEE Wind Watcher (Observatorio Eólico), the wind production in the market has contributed, from 2005 to an increase in price competitiveness and has generated important economies of scale for the whole system as regulation and forecast gap service costs have been reduced with the adjustments made.

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