
Spain's wind power keeps second in the world ranking

Spain has been able to remain second in the world's table thanks to the 10,028 MW of wind power installed by the end of 2005, according to the figures released byAsociación Empresarial Eólica's (Spain's wind energy industry association) wind watcher, quoting information from international industry figures. Despite the fact that Germany remains by far first in terms of power installed, Spain has registered a greater capacity factor, since its 10,028 MW of power have achieved an electricity production of 20,236 GWh, which represents some 2,050 hours of full production per year on average, well above Germany's 1,500 hours, according to the AEE's release.

The US is third in the list, with a big increase in its wind capacity during 2005, reaching a total of 9,149 MW, 36% above the former year.

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