
New wind record, at more than 7,000 MW of production

The contribution of wind power to the electricity system has set a new record, after producing 7,006 MW at 21:25 last Thursday (16th of February), according to the Asociacion Eolica Empresarial (AEE). The event was caused by winds brought by last week's low pressure and it was simultaneous to a high electricity consumption rate time, above 35 GW. Wind power covered some 20% of this demand. The former wind record was registered during last year's April 8-10 weekend. On the 8th, 6,402 MW were sent to the grid, covering 21% of the national simultaneous demand, which reached 30,5 GW. Two days later, a new recordwas set, with 24% of a total of 27.1 GW in the country.

During last year, wind power production represented 7.8% of the Iberian peninsula's total electricity demand. During December, one of the months with the highest electricity consumption, wind covered produced 15% of the total.

At the moment, wind power installed throughout the country totals 10,200 MW, and it is, according to AEE "a significant increase compared to the 10,028 MW installed by the 31st of December; The high rates of coverage of demand, together with electricity production planning and a decentralized management of wind electricity generation, so as the turbine adaptations "means a definitive jump ahead for the profesionalization of the industry", stated AEE.

Tags: Wind , Electricity , Eolica , Grid
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