
Iberdrola purchases French Perfect Wind

Iberdrola has agreed to purchase of Perfect Wind that, with a portfolio of 600 MW, is among France's main developers. The transaction amounts to 52 million euros. Out of the 600 MW that Perfect Wind has in its portfolio in France, 10 MW correspond to a windpark in testing phase and 86 MW correspond to projects in advanced development stages. The agreement includes a clause by which Perfect Wind founders will stay in the company and their colleagues will join Iberdrola Énergies Renouvelables, the Rennes-based French subsidiary of the Spanish utility.

The projects acquired from Perfect Wind will be added on top of Iberdrola's 32 MW, from 4 different windparks, namely La Butte de Fraus (12 MW), Saint Mérec (8 MW), Le Roduel (6.85 MW) and Lérôme (4.85 MW), located in Meneac, Mohon y Kergrist, in the Morbihan Department (Bretagne)

"The acquisition of Perfect Wind is part of Iberdrola's expansion. At the end of the first semester of 2006, Iberdrola had a total renewable energy capacity of 4,004 MW, out of which 308 MW are outside Spain", according to a Press Release. Iberdrola has offices in France, the UK, Italy, Germany, Poland, the US, Greece, Portugal, Mexico and Brazil.

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