
Iberdrola develops 1,600 MW of wind and solar energy in Andalusia

Iberdrola is develop windparks and solar plants in Andalusia totalling a capacity of 1,600 MW, stated the Mr Ignacio Galán, the utility's CEO, after the first Iberdrola's Advisory Committee celebrated in 2006. According to Mr Galán's forecasts, Iberdrola will own 900 MW of wind power before the end of 2009. Iberdrola created the Ansalusian council in 2004 to support its ambitions for this region in terms of clean energy, notably wind, so as natural gas combined cycle plants. Today, the utility has a total capacity of 1,600 MW in the region , all coming from the combined cycle from Arcos de la Frontera, whose third phase, totalling 800 MW, was completed last year.

Now, the utility's Andalusian ambitions are focused mainly on wind and solar investments. Recently, Iberdrola purchased wind projects totalling 200 MW from Marquesado Eólico, a wind developer. This acquisition was added to the earlier purchase of wind rights totalling 160 MW from P&T, a Germany company.

Notwithstanding, the utility has not confirmed where and how it will develop the 900 megawatts in Andalusia by 2009. A possibility arises from Gamesa. Iberdrola is Gamesa's main shareholder, besides of being its main customer in terms of windpark purchases. Last year, Gamesa obtained around 400 MW in rights to develop windparks in the region.

Iberdrola has not announce either the details of its solar ambitions, although last year the company announced its plans to install 100 MW in two solar electric thermal plans. Likewise, the company has stated that it will use its existing facilities to install PV plants on them.

For additional information:
Tags: Wind , Solar , Gamesa , Germany , PV
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