
Gamesa to install 8 MW in Japan

The Spanish turbine manufacturer has achieved a contract with Japanese utility Eurus Energy to supply four 2 MW turbines. With this contract, which amounts to 7 million euros, Gamesa Eólica's total supplies in Japan will reach 110 MW. The four turbines will be installed, from 2006's sencond term, in Seto's windpark, located in Ikata-cho, in Ehime's outskirts. Besides supplying the turbines, Gamesa will manage their installation, entry into operation and maintenance.

Gamesa describes Japan as a wind market with "strong growth potential". Gamesa recently estimated that Japan would increase its wind capacity in 1,400 MW during the 2006-2009 period. From the 110 MW installed by Gamesa in Japan, as many as 84 megawatts were completed during 2005.

From the environmental point of view, the new contract will be equivalent to the substitution of 1,720 toe per year, thus avoiding the emission of 12,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

For additional information:
Tags: Gamesa , Japan , Wind , CO2 , Eólica
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