
Gamesa is acknowledged worldwide as commited to sustainable development and Corporate Social Responsibility

Gamesa has become one of the world's most commited companies in terms of Social Corporation Responsibility and sustainable development, as it is credited by its inclusion in the Footsie4Good and Global 100 indexes or, more recently, the KLD Global Climate 100 Index so as its “In Accordance” rating in the Global Reporting Initiative. 'KLD Global Climate 100 Index' have been designed by KLD Research & Analytics Inc. to promote investments in those companies whose activities show a great potential to mitigate climate change causes. In partnership with the Global Energy Network Institute, KLD launched this index in July 2005, in order to meet the increasing demand for strategic investments preventing global warming.

The KLD Global Climate 100 Index is made up of 100 leading companies in the climate change battle. In January 2006, the members of this index were from 16 different countries, 9 industries and close to 2 billion dollars in market capitalization.

Gamesa is one of the companies listed in the 'Global 100' index, and so is Iberdrola. This index shows the world's top 100 most sustainable companies, which was released in the World Economic Forum, held in Davos (Switzerland) last January. It is co-ordinater by Corporate Knights, a Canadian editorial, and is based on the data collected by Innovest Strategic Value Advisors.

Mr Toby Heaps, Corporate Knights Director, said that the companies selected are "those with the greatest chances to keep on existing in the coming years" due to their capacity to manage their "three key pillars: society, the environment and the economy".

Likewise, Innovest Strategic Value Advisors' CEO, Mr Matthiew Kiernan, said that company behaviour in terms of environmental, social and policy is becoming an important issue in terms of competitiveness and profitability.

From the 100 companies listed, 30 are British, 17 American and 10 Japanese. Sweden, with a population of 9 million people (less than 5% of the US population) has managed to include 8 companies.

FTSE4Good Indexes
Likewise, Gamesa has managed to remain during 2005, for second consecutive year, in the FTSE4Good indexes for socially responsible investments.

British company FTSE, which elaborates a number of different stock indexes at international level, analyzes good company practices, their commitment to environmental sustainability, its relationships with stakeholders and its defence and support of human rights through its FTSE4Good indexes.

More than 900 companies worldwide have been included so far in the FTSE4Good indexes. From them, only nine Spanish companies (Gamesa being among them) are in the European and global lists.

Likewise, Gamesa has achieved the 'In Accordance' grade bythe Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), –the main sustainability international standard reporting initiative-, in its last integrated edition.

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