
Concrete is back

During PowerExpo, held in Zaragoza last week, some of the wind industry leading manufacturer showed their interest in coming back to the use of concrete in wind turbine towers. Among others, manufacturers such as Gamesa Eólica, Acciona Windpower and GE Energy have confirmed their bid for concrete. Acciona has received approval for certification of their 60 m and 80 m concrete towers, which help erect its AW-1500 1.5-megawatt turbine. Besides, the company wants to use concrete for a new 3 MW machine, currently in development stage.

Gamesa Eólica has created its own brand, Gamesa ConcretTower, to produce 120 m high towers for its new 4.5 MW turbine, which is also in development phase. Enercon, a German manufacturer that did not attend the PowerExpo fair, has been providing concrete towers for a long time.

The use of concrete towers was quite spread in the industry some 20 years ago. Now they are back due to cost-cutting needs, as steel prices are soaring and towers taller than 100 m are being developed as rotors have now reached lengths as grand as 128 m and nacelles are therefore quite heavy. Concrete is also more resistant to the corrosive effects of the sea in offshore windparks.

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Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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