
BP enters the wind market with a 200 MW windpark

British Petroleum (BP) aims to develop a 200-megawatt windpark in the US in 2007. The decision is part of a new investment plan under the name of BP Alternative Energy. The investments designed for the whole plan, which also covers other renewable energies, amount to $1.8 billion.

With the creation of BP Alternative Energy, BP has re-launched a campaign, closed a couple of years ago, in which the company names itself  "Beyond Petroleum".

To date, BP only operates 31 MW of wind power through two windparks sitting next to its headquarters in Holland. Company representatives recognize that the figure is small but they add that these windparks are good to gain experience for the company's future expansion plans into the wind market.

So far, the oil company -which has a lot of other renewables, namely PV solar- has identified locations in the US with potential for 200 MW. However, the company also assures that other locations in the states, many of them owned by the firm, could house as many as 2,000 MW overall.

Further information:

Tags: Wind , Oil , PV , Solar
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