
Velux Launches a New Skylight Model

The Velux skylight is an ingenious system that transports solar light hit directly on the building's interior cover, illuminating with natural light the darkest rooms in the house. It is an excellent way to save energy. The concept is very sensible. A small module, supported by a crystal reinforced structure, captures the solar light hitting the roof's surface and transmits it to the interior of a pipe whose walls are totally reflecting. The pipe goes through the cover and reaches the house's roof through a diffuser.

The new version incorporates a 2 meter telescopic pipe, with a 98% reflecting surface, and two flexible joints which allow its installation to be anywhere.

This is specially recommended for any location with no natural lighting where it is not possible to install a window. It can be placed on covers with slopes between 15º and 60º, with any given cover material.

Velux offers, besides, accessories which improve the features of its range of skylights, such as its new lighting sets or its ventilation adaptor, which allows an automatic ventilation indoors, without the need of creating additional holes in the roof.

During the hours with no sunlight, an artificial lighting set can be added as a complement to both skylight versions.

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Tags: Solar , Transport , Wind
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