
New EU website on energy efficient products

The European Union has just launched www.topten.info, a tool that will allow consumers to discover the most energy efficient products, from appliances to vehicles, available in the market. WWF, ADEME (Francia's energy and environment Agency), AEA (Austria's energy Agency), SIETE (an Energy Efficiency Center), the Wuppertal Institute or FEWE (Polish Foundation for energy efficiency) are among the project partners, informed Europa Press .

The site offers a wide range of products and explains the characteristics of each one of them, so as its impact on the environment and health, in order to provide consumers with a vast amount of information.

When users check the site, they are redirected to the sites in Austria, Belgium, Czeck Republic, France, The Netherlands and Switzerland. Before the end of the year, Finland, Hungary, Italy and Poland will also have direct links.

Furthermore, consumers can see the methodology used to create the information, independent from manufacturers and distributors. Another of the site's sections refers to "The best products in Europe", including fridges, refrigerators and electric dryers.

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Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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