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Materia: Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /home/energias/public_html/modulos/modulosgenerales/cursosadmin/es.php on line 250 Ahorro y eficienciaAlmacenamiento energéticoBiocarburantesBioclimatismoBiogásBiomasaEnergías del marEnergías renovablesEólicaGeotérmicaHidrógeno y pila de combustibleMinieólicaMinihidráulicaMovilidadSolar fotovoltaicaSolar térmicaSolar termoeléctrica
Modalidad: - - Presencial Semipresencial No presencial
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Descripción (máximo 1000 caracteres) In the global marketplace of 2020s, both developed and developing economies urgently need to master the key techniques and models for transforming to renewable generation while strengthening the reliability of new energy markets and systems. These focus on adapting and negotiating the latest models for Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreements (RE PPAs) and on rapidly attracting new private investments in renewable energy sources. Un past fossil-fuel based Independent Power Project (IPP) models that featured standardized take-or-pay contracts – today’s renewable energy markets demand more innovative incentives to attract RE supply, conform to RE generation availability, ensure power system reliability, as well as more attractive and sustainable mixtures of fuel sources. Government power sector strategies are now struggling to choose among different practical incentives for new private investments in the renewable technologies including solar energy, wind power, bio-mass incineration a
Precio: - - Gratuito Hasta 500 euros 500-1.000 euros 1.000-3.000 euros 3.000-6.000 euros 6.000-10.000 euros Más de 10.000 euros
Provincia: No presencial A Coruña Álava-Araba Albacete Alicante Almería Asturias Ávila Baleares Badajoz Barcelona Burgos Cáceres Cádiz Cantabria Castellón Ceuta Ciudad Real Córdoba Cuenca Girona Granada Guadalajara Guipúzcoa-Gipuzkoa Huelva Huesca Jaén La Rioja Las Palmas León Lleida Lugo Madrid Málaga Melilla Murcia Navarra Ourense Palencia Pontevedra Salamanca Santa Cruz de Tenerife Santander Segovia Sevilla Soria Tarragona Teruel Toledo Valencia Valladolid Vizcaya-Bizkaia Zamora Zaragoza
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