
UK Environment Agency increase in environmental permitting charges ‘unjustified’ says ADBA

A consultation launched by the United Kingdom’s Environment Agency proposes large charge increases in environmental permitting, which the Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association says are unjustified.
UK Environment Agency increase in environmental permitting charges ‘unjustified’ says ADBA

ADBA, the UK trade body for the anaerobic digestion industry, has labelled the proposals in the Environment Agency’s consultation on its Strategic Review of Charges as ‘unjustified’ on the basis that AD operators will find the new charges very challenging to meet.  

The changes proposed in the consultation include significant increases in the majority of charges associated with environmental permitting (including application fees and ongoing annual subsistence fees), which will have financial implications for all new and existing AD operators who operate under environmental permits in England. It is thought that in some cases, the increases will double the existing charge. The changes are due to be implemented from April 2018, just two months from the conclusion of the consultation period.

“Whilst ADBA supports the need for a well-resourced, effective regulator, the proposed increases in the Strategic Review of Charges are extremely steep and their implementation date of April 2018 will be very challenging for AD operators to meet” said Charlotte Morton, Chief Executive of ADBA. “As a matter of priority, we urge the EA to consider extending this implementation date or, as a minimum, adopt a phased approach, allowing both themselves and the industry to be fully prepared for any changes.”

ADBA’s comments come after it submitted its response to the consultation last week. The EA’s consultation was published shortly before ADBA launched the new AD Certification Scheme, an industry-led initiative designed to support the AD industry to improve its operational, environmental, and health and safety performance, in December 2017. The scheme gives AD operators the opportunity to demonstrate good practice in the running of their plants and has been welcomed by the EA, who called it ‘a positive intervention by the industry to improve performance in the anaerobic digestion sector’.

Morton added that ADBA is working closely with EA on its new AD Certification Scheme, which the trade body believes will improve the industry’s performance and justify reductions in annual subsistence fees for certified operators. Many of the scheme criteria are similar to those included in EA site audits, and this presents an opportunity to reduce the EA’s regulatory effort.

For additional information:

Environment Agency charge proposals (from April 2018)

Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA)

Tags: PV , SAF , United Kingdom
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