
Construction Begins on Indiana Biogas Facility

Construction has begun on the country’s largest on-farm anaerobic digester-to-vehicle fuel operation, according to Renewable Dairy Fuels, a division of Amp Americas.
Construction Begins on Indiana Biogas Facility
Courtesy of Amp Americas

Located in Fair Oaks, Indiana, the dairy project will be the company’s second biogas facility producing renewable natural gas from dairy waste for transportation fuel. Amp Americas received the first dairy waste-to-vehicle fuel pathway certified by California's Air Resources Board for its first RNG project at Fair Oaks Farms in northwest Indiana.

The project was also awarded a Carbon Intensity (CI) score of -254.94 gCO2e/MJ, the lowest ever issued by CARB..

The new facility will be 50 percent larger than RDF’s operation at Fair Oaks Farms and is expected to be operational this summer. The site is located in Jasper County, Indiana, just a few miles from Fair Oaks Farms.

The three digesters located at the dairy farms will convert 950 tons of dairy waste from 16,000 head of milking cows into 100 percent renewable transportation fuel each day they are in operation. The RNG will then be injected into the NIPSCO pipeline.

“Transportation is now the largest source of greenhouse gases in the U.S., and a major source of smog-causing pollution. It is more important than ever to drive further adoption of clean and efficient domestic RNG within the trucking industry,” said Grant Zimmerman, CEO at AMP Americas.


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