

Biogest expands into the Spanish biogas market

Biogest has signed a cooperation agreement with the Spanish company Biologist SC SLU for further expansion of the company in a market with an attractive framework and a large availability of agro-industrial residues.
Biogest expands into the Spanish biogas market
Courtesy of Biogest

Followed by projects in the United Kingdom, France, India, South Korea, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria, Spain has a huge market potential for biogas. The potential derived from the current management of organic waste, together with the support measures in the area of circular economy announced by the government, as well as the current low number of biogas plants in Spain, makes it a candidate with great potential for the development of new biogas businesses in the medium term.

These have been the basis for starting cooperation with national companies with which to begin implementing strategies to meet the new challenges ahead. Spain is one of the largest producers in the agro-food and livestock sector in the European Union and together with the membership of the Spanish Biogas Association AEBIG more support was generated.

By giving a new impulse to the valorisation of the by-products coming from the olive oil production processes such as the olive pomace or alperujo, Biogest has developed a new concept together with the Spanish companies Virosa and BTM to offer a biogas production package and a high-quality solid bio-stimulant in order to reduce all the liquid fraction produced in this industry.

In addition to the olive oil producers, other sectors producing high volumes of organic waste that are difficult to manage such as the livestock sector, the meat sector, wineries and the agro-food industry are the main stakeholders in converting their residues into cheap and clean energy in a market that is increasingly oriented towards the bio-economy.

Biogest is an internationally active biogas plant manufacturer and operator with its headquarters in Austria and subsidiaries in the UK, France, US, Italy, Romania, Serbia and the Czech Republic. More than 160 biogas plant projects generating electricity or biomethane have been completed to date. Our reference plants are located in several European countries and the global market is served by licenced partners.

Biologist is a company that leads process integration projects under the concepts of circular green economy in different locations in the Iberian Peninsula with several decades of experience in the sector.

As a renewable source of energy, biogas offers technological, ecological and economic advantages: energy can be generated 365 days a year, at all times of the day and night, and therefore biogas plays an important role in the mix of renewable energy from water, sun and wind. In addition to helping achieve climate protection goals, biogas also helps reduce reliance on energy imports. Decentralised energy generation also guarantees sustainable local development.

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