
GESS to Develop New Biogas Facility in Missouri

GESS International previously announced plans to construct four Green Energy Biogas Plants across Missouri in March 2019. Among the Missouri developments there will now be an additional facility built in Chariton County, Missouri.
GESS to Develop New Biogas Facility in Missouri
Courtesy of GESS

The new $40 million investment is anticipated to create 21 new jobs for the surrounding community.  On an annual basis, this biogas facility will convert around140,000 tons of cattle and swine manure and 70,000 tons of agricultural residues into an estimated 550,000 MMbtu worth of RNG.

“The benefits of these projects will make a positive impact into the local economy and agricultural industry by adding a major investment into the local tax base, creating and training new employees for the operations of these plants, creating a new revenue stream for area farmers, all while creating a renewable energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” Seth Daughety, GESS International’s Grant Coordinator, said.

It is GESS International’s goal to help existing agricultural industries in the area become more sustainable.

“Agtech is a leading industry for Missouri,” Rob Dixon, Director of the Missouri Department of Economic Development, said. “GESS is an important addition to our state as we continue to be the global agtech leader.”

The Chariton County plant has an anticipated construction start date in Q3 of 2019 and projected to be operational by Q4 of 2020.

“Chariton County is very pleased that GESS International is making this important investment for the future of renewable energy in our community,” Tom Burkhart, Chairman of the Chariton County Community Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors, said. “This new facility adds to the abundance of natural resources in Chariton County.”

GESS International’s total investment in Missouri is now expected to reach $185 million and create more than 100 new jobs in rural Missouri.

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