

Biogest successfully enters the Asian market with an Indian biogas plant project

Biogest has received its first order to build an agricultural biogas plant in the Haryana region, in northern India, in cooperation with OliveResolutions GmbH, Astron Solpower Pvt Ltd. and Haryana Agriculture University.
Biogest successfully enters the Asian market with an Indian biogas plant project
Courtesy of Biogest

The Biogest PowerCompact biogas plant is intended as a reference plant to promote the expansion in India and the entire Asian market. Following on from projects in the United Kingdom, France, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Austria, this first Biogest biogas plant in India represents a new milestone in the company’s history.

The plant is operated with agricultural waste, while intra-university agricultural land and dairy farms are supplying the substrates. The plant utilises Biogest PowerCompact technology which delivers energy efficiency and operational safety benefits as well as a space-saving modular design. Another advantage of the project is that the substrates are delivered by the direct environment, thus saving on transport emissions.

The generated electricity and heat of the biogas plant will be used to satisfy local demand at Haryana Agriculture University campus. The agricultural waste will be transformed during the production process into high quality organic fertiliser, avoiding the use of chemical fertilizers.

In a meeting to appraise the Indian Ambassador to Austria, Ms Renu Pall, of the collaboration, Ms Pall pointed out that the market potential for biogas plants in India is tremendous. If costs could be made competitive through the MakeInIndia programme, India could also bridge other potential markets in South and Southeast Asia, the main challenge being to identify the most suitable partners.   

As a renewable source of energy, biogas offers technological, ecological and economic advantages: energy can be generated 365 days a year, at all times of the day and night, and therefore biogas plays an important role in the mix of renewable energy from water, sun and wind. In addition to helping achieve climate protection goals, biogas also helps reduce reliance on energy imports. Decentralised energy generation also guarantees sustainable local development.

Biogest is an internationally active biogas plant manufacturer and operator with its headquarters in Austria and subsidiaries in the UK, France, US, Italy, Romania, Serbia and the Czech Republic. More than 150 biogas plant projects generating electricity or biomethane have been completed to date. Our reference plants are located in several European countries and the global market is served by licenced partners.

Image: The visit of the Ambassador of India to Austria

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